Modren and Values Base Curriculum

Besides Matriculation, the comprehensive branches of LHSS offer an additional option of A and O level classes.

Trained Staff
LHSS Administrative Head Office organizes modern and international levels of training for the Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff for all of its campuses.

News and Events

Result of Final Term Examination 2020 will be announced soon.


3rd Grand Franchise Contract Signing Ceremony 2020.
(Click Here view Picture Gallery)


Admission opens now in all branches of Laurel Home Schools.


Media Coverage (Click Here)


Laurel home school system (A project of MES Pakistan) is an independeted project. Laurel home school system is a nationwide Franchise Network, serving in all dominant corners of the country. LHS was launched on 24th oct a couple of years before.


Joining our network as franchisee is better suited for people who are: running schools, tuition centres, are in-service or retired school teachers, retired civil military officers, expatriate Pakistani's willing to invest in a worthy long-term venture, and property owners looking for a worthy business opportunity.


The LHS Pre-school was launched in 24th oct and today there are over 60 branches across Pakistan. The curriculum is based on active forms of learning, on stimulating a curious mind, on discovering, and learning is experiential (learning-by-doing) rather than learning that is based exclusively on books.

Parent's CORNER

We endeavor to ensure that all the various elements necessary for a well-rounded education and opportunities to excel are within reach of students. The Educators provides an environment that encourages learning and facilities to enhance and support students’ education.